Abortion Pill (Mifeprex)

The non-surgical pill (Mifeprex) is used to end an early pregnancy. An early pregnancy is less than 9 weeks. Mifeprex blocks the hormone needed for your pregnancy to continue.

When you use Mifeprex on day one, you need to take Misoprostol 48 hours later to start your menstrual cycle to end the pregnancy.

On Day 1 a consultation, Physical exam and ultrasound will be done. You will take your Mifeprex during this visit.

On Day 2 you will continue your normal routine.

On Day 3 48 hours after using the Mifeprex you will use your Misoprostol tablets to start your menstrual cycle. This will be done in your home. You will be given all your medications on Day 1 at the office.

You will be given an instruction sheet with all the details of what to expect during the process, and emergency contact for after hours if you have any questions or problems.